• Natural Mystic Inc. Tattoo Dome is world’s first eco-friendly tattoo parlor

  • eco-friendly-tattoo-parlor-1.jpg
    Inking your skin is a greener affair now, with this eco-friendly tattoo parlor in Pineville on La. Highway 28 East. Known as the Natural Mystic Inc. Tattoo Dome, this tattoo shop is unlike any other seen before. Touted to be the world’s first eco-friendly parlor, its dome shape sure attracts a load of curious visitors, who end up getting inked, and grinning away with satisfaction and wonder. Stick your head out if you’re driving down the 5420 La. Highway 28 East, and you’ll see this Spongebob’s-neighbor’s-home-replica. By Mel Collier and wife Lori, the Natural Mystic studio houses 2,800 feet of enclosed floor space on 1,500 feet of soil. After much research and traveling, the Colliers came up with this building, using bamboo, a fast growing variety.

    The building also uses a mixture of fluorescent lighting and natural light through skylights that minimizes the amount of air that escapes through windows. Everything about the place is eco-friendly, including the low floored toilets. Tattooing has never seen a greener shade before.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on July 6, 2010