• Eco-Temporary Refuge is a green prefab home to live up in a mountain

  • Eco-Temporary-Refuge-1.jpg
    We’ve seen a quite a few portable homes before, like the recycled-steel made Homestead House. These homes are built to live off-grid, and are self-sustainable. No all of them can live up a snow clad mountain top though, the way the Eco-Temporary Refuge can. This prefabricated home by Cimini Architettura is self-sustainable and requires no grid connections whatsoever to breathe. It packs a load of solar panels on its roof that suck in solar juice and power up the home’s heating systems and fulfill all its electricity needs. That’s not all. The solar panels also power up a snow-melting system that works as a fresh water source.

    And the best part, this home has a negligible impact on its surroundings, taken that it can be hooked on to a helicopter and air-lifted to just about anywhere. No holes dug into the ground or any harm done to the environment with this prefab home.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on February 21, 2011