• Eco-friendly mobile treehouse to promote Tasmania

  • tree-house1.jpg
    I love this concept. While watching Narnia, the thing that amused me most was the home of the beavers – such a cute little wooden cottage. This concept of a mobile home is something that cannot be ignored. One really lucky Australian entrepreneur Alan Jennison won this portable log cabin, ‘mobile treehouse’ online! He took part in an auction and ended up paying AU$14,000 for a trailer measuring over 42 feet in length and with 450sq ft of living space. The log is also mobile apparently, sitting on a truck bed equipped with wheels and brakes for easy towing. He is using this to promote tourism in Tasmania. Such a nice piece of creation – whoever came up with this idea must be given a Nobel peace prize. Why not?


    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on September 24, 2009