• Columbia City Green – The latest eco-friendly neighborhood in Washington

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    The Columbia City Green is Seattle based Case Architects‘ latest green project. Renowned for their expertise in shaping up elegant, eco-friendly as well as economical dwellings, the firm specializes in offering the best energy efficient homes on the market. Fitted with green roofs and Insulated Concrete Form (IFC) foundation and walls, the structure will be completely green with rainwater harvesting system and solar pre-heating water systems. The radiant floor heat feature will keep the dens uniformly warm through the chilly days. Along with such water and energy saving features, the firm also explores new ways to reduce the depletion of our natural resources and re-examine old ways to connect with our surroundings. And to build a strong, sustainable bridge with their customers, Case focuses on developing on sites within walking distance of its office. Scheduled for completion in coming spring, it is currently available for pre-sale.
