• Sungen International kisses the environment with its bunch of eco-friendly products

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    Making cleaner forms of energy, like solar energy, easily accessible to us is what Sungen International Limited does best. There aren’t a whole load of companies out there that dedicate all its efforts to making energy efficient and environment friendly devices; Sungen International is one of the few who do. They have a whole bag of products that can be used to capture solar energy for our use anywhere. With products like these, we don’t need a solar panel above our roofs all the time, to power our gadgets. One of these amazing mobile solar energy collecting devices is a foldable gadget charger. This device charges to its brim in just about 18 – 25 hours of sunlight. Besides this, the company also has charging kits for RV refrigerators, solar lighting devices and also a DC solar power system capable of capturing up to 70 Watts of energy for use. Thanks to Sungen, the world is turning greener every time their products are used.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on January 11, 2010