• Solar powered lights that power up using the wind too

  • Columbia.jpgWell, if the sun does decide to ditch all that’s solar powered one day, these Columbia Water and Light’s new solar powered lights sure wont be the one missing it. And why’s that? They use the wind to power up too! The LEDs use energy from the sun to power up, whenever possible, and when needed, switch to wind-power too. Currently, solar powered lights don’t have an alternative renewable energy source, mostly relying on the grid whenever the sun hides away. Also, unlike fluorescent bulbs that last between 6,000 and 15,000 hours, the LEDs used here last 100,000 hours. Costing $6,500, these lights are as bright as ever, and spread out the glow to quite an extent.

    For now, the technology seems to be expensive, though with time and development, it might just drop the price, making it more practical for urban use!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Gadgets and Tech, Tags: on September 14, 2010