Solar Powered Blind cum Air-Conditioner
Imagine a scorching hot afternoon with extra bright sunlight and all you have is a window with a blind on it. Yes, the simple blind will protect you from the heat, but will it let you feel the cool? With the latest AC Blind concept designed by Minjoo Kwon, the usual blind doubles up as an air cooler and it works on solar power. This in my opinion is the best green invention ever. It’s easy to use, simple but stylish looking and energy efficient. The usually air conditioners are no doubt very effective, but they consume so much of electricity. However, the Blind Air Conditioner does not need any extra source of electric supply- except the sun! This conversion of energy happens because the upper panels of the AC blinds consist of solar panels that generate the required electricity from solar energy that gives out cool breeze out of the flaps. The temperature and the direction of the flaps can be changed as per your discretion.