• Powered by glucose, fuel cell developed could power pacemakers in future

  • Rat.jpgNow rats and fuel cells have never had too much to do with each other before. This probably is the first time in history a glucose-powered fuel cell found its place in a living body, that too of a little rat. Judging from the pictures though, the little guy sure seems confused at the thing sticking out from his head. For 11 days, the device was hooked into the rat and was accessible via wires that led out through the rat’s neck. During tests, the system produced 2 microwaves of power with a peak energy density of 24.4 microwaves per milliliter after a few hours. If produced on a larger scale, a biocell like this could power up pacemakers too! A pacemaker battery usually requires a sustained power of 10 microwaves.

    Using two enzyme-coated graphite discs connected by a platinum wire which is wrapped in a dialysis bag permeable by glucose and oxygen, the fuel cell can easily power up pacemakers in future using some seriously alternative green energy!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: on September 17, 2010