• ‘Kiran’ is the most affordable solar lamp

  • kiran-solar-lamp.jpg
    We all are quite aware about the bad conditions in several developing countries, where many villages are deprived of even basic amenities like electricity. D.Light from India, has developed a solar lantern called ‘Kiran’. In Indian national language, Hindi, Kiran means ‘sunlight’. With solar panels on the top of the lantern, this lantern is designed specifically for the families in villages who do not have any access to electricity or light after dark. After hundreds of hours of intensive research and studies, ‘kiran’ was designed to provide up to 8 hours of bright light after a single days charge. The product is quite durable and also weather resistant, and has a low price point of 10 USD, thus making it quite affordable for the lower-income groups in developing countries.

    In countries like India, so far kerosene lamps have been extremely popular, ‘kiran’ hopes to replace those on a huge scale. Personally, I feel this is not really an ingenious concept and should have come into use long back when benefits of solar energy were being popularized. Yet, better late than never!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on October 22, 2009