• Hydro-electricity anywhere anytime is the ultimate green gadget

  • Hydro-Electric-Barrel-Generator.jpg
    This is a floating waterwheel that can generate electricity when suspended over a river or other flowing water regardless of the depth and speed of flow. The inventors claim it to be both efficient and cost effective, as well as being less intrusive to the environment than other hydroelectric solutions. The HEB can be suspended over any river or stream, and possibly implemented in the ocean to take advantage of wave energy as well. The design is deceptively simple: a one-piece large plastic wheel within a frame, spinning with the flow of water. What’s not so obvious is the internal design: a set of two integral planet gear driven permanent magnet generators turning the motion into usable power. The advantages of the HEB are many: compared to conventional waterwheels, it operates quietly, and is easy to transport and install. The machine is also environmentally friendly because of its shallow draft in the water, and has a low capital outlay per kilowatt. The HEB doesn’t interrupt the flow of the water and can adjust to changing water levels, while rolling over any debris in the flow.

    The HEB could also be modular, so for more power, another generator can be installed either in parallel or in a series in the river. The hydroelectric device is also being developed with a tidal estuary variant which can be powered by both tides and waves.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on September 30, 2009