• Heat-powered ElectraTherm generator, a boon for oil drillers

  • waste-heat-generator-1.jpg
    Waste heat energy remains a treasure-chest of untapped energy. Using energy generated from heat could help power up manufacturing processes and the like if tapped correctly that is. ElectraTherm has come up with a unique way to use waste heat to its benefit, using a portable waste heat energy generator that operates at low-temperature heat sources and is capable of generating power ranging from 30 kilowatts and 65 kilowatts. The generator is perfect for use at oil wells, were drilling results in wastage of about 4,000 barrels of unwanted water, which in turn can be used to generate enough heat to help the generator produce energy!

    Using similar principals like that of a ground-source heat-pump, this generator takes about 50 hours to install and can be transported on a trailer, making it a perfect juice machine for oil drilling operations.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on June 23, 2011