• Dyson-Harrop satellite will produce more renewable energy than needed by our planet

  • Dyson-Harrop-satellite.jpg
    Wind turbines? Nope! Solar panels? Nope! Who’d need these in future when the Dyson-Harrop satellite’s around! The technology we use today to produce renewable energy will seem like a feeble attempt as compared to what this satellite can do! If put into place, the Dyson-Harrop satellite could generate enough energy to meet the world’s electricity needs, 100 billion times over! Amazing isn’t it? It does need a load of development though and is currently in its designing stages. The satellite will orbit the sun at the same distance the earth does, and using an onboard copper wire, it will generate a magnetic field to catch electrons in the solar wind. This will then be beamed back home on earth using an infrared laser.

    With a 1-kilometre-long wire and a sail 8400 kilometers wide, energy of up to 1 billion billion gigawatts (10^27 watts) can be generated! For now, the only hitch in this renewable energy creating technique is beaming all that power back down to earth. Hopefully technology develops enough to make the world go green with all that renewable energy!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on September 28, 2010