• Burning ice – A new source of energy found deep under

  • gas-hydrates.jpg
    Researchers are these days keeping busy doing something useful than spent time creating only weapons of mass destruction or elements that are only bad news for the lazy, rude world this has become. Solar power and wind power were developed a lot these days but now US scientists have a new source by digging deep underground that can be used to generate energy called ‘ice that burns’ or gas hydrates. The ‘burning ice’ is estimated to leave a comparatively smaller carbon footprint, being much more cleaner than fossil fuels. The gas hydrates are formed when a methane gas from decomposing organic material reacts with water at a high pressure and low temperature.

    The energy that’s there underground it seems can heat the home of 100 million homes for one whole decade. Yeah, that’s it after that they may just go deeper and eventually end up meeting each other from either side of the globe or else make a huge hole from one point and we will all just burn and die. Can these people not find alternatives that will actually save the planet than destroy it more? Apparently this source of energy could develop systems that can provide green and cheap energy for all. If they say so. But let them prove first to believe it.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on April 2, 2009