• Arizona to play home to 200MW solar tower twice as large as Empire State Building

  • enviromission-solar-tower-.jpg
    And if simply trying to spot the topmost floor of the Empire State Building has left you with a sore neck, we suggest you don’t try looking up at this one for too long, given that it’s twice as tall as one of the largest buildings in the world! Standing 2625 feet tall, this solar tower will soon call Arizona “home” and will use the good old hot-air-rises principal. To be set up by Australian firm EnviroMission, the tower in the Arizona desert will generate about 200 MW, enough to power 150,000 US homes!

    And besides being a humongous energy-generator, Arizona will also soon have a landmark of sorts, and will be a working inspiration for other areas around the globe to turn towards renewable energy.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on July 26, 2011